My latest McSweeney's column is now up, with thoughts on Donald Sterling, Parks & Recreation, and loving your enemy. Here's an excerpt:
I won't repeat everything Sterling said here; you can look up the full tape online if you really care to hear the whole mess. Most of the responses to the tape have been of two varieties: those who condemn Sterling for being a horrible person and those who condemn him for being a horrible person while carefully wondering aloud whether illegally taped comments should serve as evidence for forcing a person to sell property. That second one is a vaguely interesting question, probably good for a discussion in a college civics class. But I'd like to talk about Sterling in a different way, as an enemy of humanity, as a villain.
And to do that, I have to talk about Ron Swanson, Leslie Knope, and Parks and Recreation.
You can read the rest of it on McSweeneys Internet Tendency.
For those of you wondering why it's been a month or two between updates, I started a new job and some other things. Hopefully updates will come more frequently as I adjust to the new schedule.