Next Saturday, December 12, I'll be drawing winners for a few special edition hardcover versions of The Towers. The special editions will have the original cover art and some extra bonus material. Only seven of these will ever be made. If you want to win one, there are a three different ways to enter:
Sign up for my newsletter, The Equinox
I call this The Equinox because I only send it out twice a year, on the vernal and autumnal equinox. That’s basically mid-March and mid-September, but “vernal and autumnal equinox” just sounds cooler. In each issue, you can expect info on the stuff I’ve been writing, links to stuff I think you’ll like, and probably a poem or two. (Not by me. I actually want you to read it.)
Anyone who signs up before next Saturday will get one entry into the drawing. If you are already signed up for my newsletter, than you are already entered.
Come to the release party
The Nothing Sword book release party will be Saturday, December 12 at Fusion Brew coffee house in Normal, IL. Party starts at 6:00 PM, and all are welcome. We’ll have cake, hot beverages of various kinds, nice people, and good cheer. I’ll do a reading from The Nothing Sword starting at 7:30 PM. Anyone who signs in will get another chance to win a special edition book.
Donate to Home Sweet Home
We’ll also be collecting donations for Home Sweet Home Ministries during the release party. Home Sweet Home has been providing shelter and recovery services to homeless people in Bloomington-Normal for almost 100 years. Bring a donation, and you’ll get a third chance to win a book.
You can make donations in cash or check of any amount, or you can bring a donation of goods from the list below. We’ll be taking the donations to the ministry the following Monday.
So for those of you keeping track, you can get up to three entries into the book drawing: sign up, show up, or donate. Winners will be announced at the release party Saturday. No worries if you can’t make it. I’ll mail the books out later.
Use the electronic relationship buttons to the right. I’ll answer when I can.